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Monday, March 28, 2011

NHGN News Release

Press Release: Hair & Fashion Models, Volunteers, & Donations Wanted!
Contact: Lindsay Rizzo
President of the NH Chapter of the Guidette Nation
(603) 556-1234

Calling All Communications/Marketing/Fashion Majors:
NH Chapter of the Guidette Nation seeks your help!

BELKNAP COUNTY, NH (March 20, 2011): Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashion and hair show?! If you’re one who doesn’t, then come on down, anyway, and help promote the biggest event of the summer!

Contact us via email by May 15th, 2011 and find out more details at www.nhguidette.com.

For our first annual Guidette Hair & Fashion show scheduled for July 12th, 2011, members of the NH Chapter of the Guidette Nation are looking for volunteer hair models and fashion models. For this particular show, we are only looking for female models for hair and fashion. However, ALL patrons are encouraged to volunteer to help organize, promote, and make sure the event runs smoothly. We are looking for about 30 models and 100 volunteers.

We are also reaching out to any and all businesses or private associations who wish to donate money, products, services, etc. to an auction we will be hosting during the show. Proceeds will benefit Future Guidettes of America, as well as portion of the profits going to the Italian-American Charity of the United States.

Anyone who is interested should contact us at lindsayrizz0@fistpumpnation.com. Models and volunteers must be over 18 or have written parental permission. Volunteer models are subjected to an interview process and volunteers for the event may also be asked to provide references.

The deadline for volunteer applications is May 15th and ticket sales will begin shortly thereafter. More information about the event, ticket prices, and other details can all be found on our website.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Guidette Hair/Fashion Show!

As President of the New Hampshire Chapter of the Guidette Nation, I will be organizing a hair/fashion show with Snooki inspired hair and fashion! All proceeds raised from ticket sales and a possible auction (still being planned) will benefit Future Guidettes of America and will also be used to help build a capital in order to open Fist Pumping Academy for Men! I've written Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and requested her presence at our event! I believe her appearance will help boost ticket sales and really help our members be inspired and motivated!

By the way, this isn't real. :) Dana makes us do crazy assignments and I can't help but pull my reality television addiction into the classroom!
